Friday, March 28, 2014

Lotus Green City Noida A Set of Many Luxury Facets

Lotus Green City
Todays real estate market is offering best investment chance in different types of developing and developed of the modern class cities and one of those fully attractive options is Noida like New Project Lotus Green City. The very Growth City offers excellent connectivity of metro/bus, top class infrastructure, modern class amenities and wide ranges of real estate options. Clients are investing in Noida due to provide great and assured high returns on the investment with smart features. The city is planned in a great way to offer all the comforts and happy of life to the all people. Be it modern and standard housing projects, Noida holds great and growth place in India due to its perfect location.

The Greens developers have completed their best in attract large number of property buyers to this project. Retail buildings, Shop cum office spaces and serviced apartment is to be established in the close area of this mega housing society, which means any people will get at all they want at walking distance.

Lotus Greens City Noida all the magnificence and best facilities in control to enhance your average of live. On behalf of the lavishness position of high tech scrutiny there will be jogging track and gymnasium. For children, a specific children play area zone. This housing project will be having 100% power backup & water supply. This area will have nearby the clock safety system. It provides grand connectivity to all vital bus terminus and road transits from where one can get to any important place located in Delhi-NCR region in shorter time.

The group has as of early in development another housing project at Noida and NCR which is spread over approx 10 acres of lush luxuriant land area. The company's new project is slated to be single of the most amazing particular aggregation accommodation in the given cost of varied bag. It offers 2 BHK, 3 BHK and 4 BHK exclusive apartments and lavish suites, size differing from 1450 sq ft to 2150 sq ft in their Lotus Green City Noida project which should be opening soon by the developer. Lotus Greens offers new age facilities such as Engineered wooden flooring, imported Marble and video phone, Hob-landscaped terrace, Modular kitchen, swimming pool, 3 tier security, car parking, kids play area and many sports area. The developer has decided 85 % green area 15 % constructed area. It's the best residential projects of Noida.


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